
The Shopper Framework supports assigning images to products, brands, collections and categories. It is an additional layer provided by the framework with the help of the Spatie Media Library

We recommend organizing your images in a folder offline and keeping a backup in case you need them in the future or mistakenly alter one and wish to revert to the original. You can look at the documentation for this purpose


For uploading images we are using FilePond and some custom upload component with Livewire.


This component is used to update media at the product level and variants for products.

Filepond upload

Filepond is used in Shopper Framework only to update images, and for that it takes as parameters the images of your model.


$images are a collection of media from the Spatie Media Library.

So you have to set up the file upload in your Livewire component yourself. An example of file upload with filepond is available on Livewire you can learn more on this link.

Single upload

Single Upload is a reusable Livewire component created for single upload management with Livewire

single upload
Single upload component

The component used is Shopper\Http\Livewire\Components\Forms\Uploads\Single To add it to your page you add this component to your view.

<livewire:shopper-forms.uploads.single />

Everything is done out of the box. You just add this to your Livewire component you can add a listener

namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
class MyComponent extends Component
public ?string $fileUrl = null;
protected $listeners = [
'shopper:fileUpdated' => 'onFileUpdate'
public function onFileUpdate($file)
$this->fileUrl = $file;
public function store()
$model = YourModel::create([...]);
if ($this->fileUrl) {
Hot Tip!
To apply this action on your model you have to preapre your model with the Laravel Media Library configuration

Multiple upload

The component used is Shopper\Http\Livewire\Components\Forms\Uploads\Multiple To add it to your page you add this component to your view.

<livewire:shopper-forms.uploads.multiple />
multiple upload
Multiple upload component
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
class MyComponent extends Component
public $files = [];
protected $listeners = [
'shopper:filesUpdated' => 'onFilesUpdated'
public function onFilesUpdate($files)
$this->files = $files;
public function store()
$model = YourModel::create([...]);
if (collect($this->files)->isNotEmpty()) {
fn ($file) => $model->addMedia($file)

Media Variants

The Spatie Media library supports defining various image sizes, so-called Conversions. The uploaded images will be then converted to the given sizes with the given parameters.

For the moment in Shopper for all the Model that's used Media Library the only conversion available is

public function registerMediaConversions(?Media $media = null): void
->fit(Manipulations::FIT_CROP, 200, 200);

But you can extend the different models to add conversions according to your needs.

Retrieving Images


The presence of thumbnails is a very common scenario, which is why Shopper use them.


For more information on what's available, see Defining conversions


To get an image with full url on a product, a brand or a collection
