


The model used is Shopper\Models\Discount.

Name Type Required Notes
id autoinc auto
code string yes The given code for the discount
type string yes The type of discount Shopper\Core\Enum\DiscountType
value int yes Depends on the type of discount you want to apply. It can be a percentage or a fixed amount
is_active boolean no Defines the visibility of the discount for customers.
apply_to string yes Defines what the discount can be applied to Shopper\Core\Enum\DiscountApplyTo
min_required string yes Defines the conditions required to apply the discount Shopper\Core\Enum\DiscountRequirement
min_required_value string no The minimum value required after defining the required condition, default NULL
eligibility string yes Defines discount eligibility conditions Shopper\Core\Enum\DiscountEligibility
usage_limit int no How many uses the discount has had
usage_limit_per_user boolean no Defines whether the coupon can be used more than once by customers
total_use int no The number of times the discount has been used, default 0
start_at datetime yes The datetime the discount starts
end_at datetime no The datetime the discount expires, if NULL it won't expire
metadata array no NULL, json column to save any data key:value
zone_id int no The area in which the discount can be applied. If NULL, the discount can be applied anywhere.


By default, discounts Livewire components are not published. To customize components, you must publish them.

php artisan shopper:component:publish discount
php artisan shopper:component:publish discount

This command will publish all Livewire components used for discount management (from pages to form components). Once you've published the component, you can find it in the discount.php locate in the config/shopper/components folder.

use Shopper\Livewire;
return [
'pages' => [
'discount-index' => Livewire\Pages\Discount\Index::class,
'components' => [
'' => Livewire\SlideOvers\DiscountForm::class,
use Shopper\Livewire;
return [
'pages' => [
'discount-index' => Livewire\Pages\Discount\Index::class,
'components' => [
'' => Livewire\SlideOvers\DiscountForm::class,

Manage Discount

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