
Quick start guide for installing and configuring Laravel Shopper on your existing Laravel App

Supported Versions of Laravel

Laravel 10 and Laravel 11 are supported. It feels like this section needs more than one sentence but it really doesn't. That first one said all that needs saying.

Install Shopper

Shopper is really easy to install. After creating your new app or in an existing Laravel app (10+). There are 2 steps to follow to install Shopper.

  1. Run php artisan config:clear to make sure your config isn't cached.
  2. Install shopper/framework package with Composer.
composer require shopper/framework --with-dependencies
composer require shopper/framework --with-dependencies

After installing all dependencies in your project via compose and setup the database, now we will automatically install by running the following commands in your Laravel project directory:

php artisan shopper:install
php artisan shopper:install

This will install shopper, publish vendor files, create shopper and storage symlinks if they don't exist in the public folder, run migrations and seeders classes.

By default, all shopper tables are prefixed with sh_ to avoid conflicts with existing tables in your database. But you can update this configuration according to your need

And we're all good to go!

Prepare your User Model

Extend your current User Model (usually app/Models/User.php) using the Shopper\Core\Models\User as Authenticatable alias:

use Shopper\Core\Models\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
// ...
use Shopper\Core\Models\User as Authenticatable;
class User extends Authenticatable
// ...

Create an Admin user

Now we can create a new superuser and sign in into the Dashboard and start creating some content. Run the following command to create a user with supreme (at the moment of creation) rights:

php artisan shopper:user
php artisan shopper:user

New Shopper Directory

After Shopper is installed, you'll have 1 new directory in your project:

  • config/shopper/

Publish Vendor Files

If you want to publish again Shopper's vendor files run these commands:

php artisan shopper:publish
php artisan shopper:publish

To run the project you may use the built-in server: php artisan serve

After that, run composer dump-autoload to finish your installation!

If using Laravel Valet or Laravel Herd you can easily access with your project name with .test at the end when you navigate on you project.

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