
As with any e-commerce site, it is important for users to know the terms and conditions and privacy policy that your site offers. This is for their own safety and yours as well.

This section allows you to set up your pages for your privacy policy, return policy, terms of use and shipping policy to be presented to customers.


The model used is Shopper\Core\Models\Legal.

Name Type Required Notes
id autoinc auto
title string yes Unique, title of the legal page
slug string yes Unique, this is dynamically generated based on the title
content longText no nullable, the text of the legal page
is_enabled boolean no Default false, define if this legal page is ready to use


The components used to manage Legal page are found in the component configuration file config/shopper/components/setting.php. Each component corresponds to the page that is defined

use Shopper\Livewire;
return [
'pages' => [
// ...
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Privacy::class,
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Refund::class,
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Shipping::class,
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Terms::class,
// ...
use Shopper\Livewire;
return [
'pages' => [
// ...
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Privacy::class,
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Refund::class,
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Shipping::class,
'' => Components\Settings\Legal\Terms::class,
// ...

Add Legal content

In your administration area you must click on the "cog" icon to display the settings page of your store.

From your admin panel, on the blue sidebar click on the cog icon, go to Settings > Legal. Once in this page, all the legal pages are displayed as a tab. You can just fill in the content of each page and click on the Enable switch to retrieve the content of your page and display it in your front-end.

legal settings
Legal settings
Shopper does not generate the routes for the legal pages, you should set them up yourself. As mentioned in the introduction of this documentation, the Framework is just an e-commerce administration

Retrieve Data

Once the information is filled in, we can display it to our users in the views we have created.

To do this we will start by creating a controller that will take care of collecting our information and send it to a view

php artisan make:controller LegalController
php artisan make:controller LegalController

We will add the functions for each of our pages and return the information to present them to our users. Our controller will look like this

namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Shopper\Core\Models\Legal;
class LegalController extends Controller
public function privacy()
return view('legal.privacy', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'privacy')->first(),
public function refund()
return view('legal.refund', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'refund')->first(),
public function terms()
return view('legal.terms', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'terms')->first(),
public function shipping()
return view('legal.shipping', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'shipping')->first(),
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Shopper\Core\Models\Legal;
class LegalController extends Controller
public function privacy()
return view('legal.privacy', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'privacy')->first(),
public function refund()
return view('legal.refund', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'refund')->first(),
public function terms()
return view('legal.terms', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'terms')->first(),
public function shipping()
return view('legal.shipping', [
'legal' => Legal::enabled()->where('slug', 'shipping')->first(),

Legal::enabled() is a scope to retrieve the page only when it is available. This is a simple way to retrieve the pages but you can do it otherwise all the front-end code depends on you. To learn more about the scopes you can consult the documentation.


Once we have created the controllers we will associate the routes that will allow us to display our contents. We will display our content in the web.php.

use App\Http\Controllers\LegalController;
* Legal routes
Route::get('/privacy', [LegalController::class, 'privacy'])->name('legal.privacy');
Route::get('/terms-of-use', [LegalController::class, 'terms'])->name('legal.terms');
Route::get('/refund-policy', [LegalController::class, 'refund'])->name('legal.refund');
Route::get('/shipping', [LegalController::class, 'shipping'])->name('legal.shipping');
use App\Http\Controllers\LegalController;
* Legal routes
Route::get('/privacy', [LegalController::class, 'privacy'])->name('legal.privacy');
Route::get('/terms-of-use', [LegalController::class, 'terms'])->name('legal.terms');
Route::get('/refund-policy', [LegalController::class, 'refund'])->name('legal.refund');
Route::get('/shipping', [LegalController::class, 'shipping'])->name('legal.shipping');


You can create views in this way to arrange the content of your legal pages.

├─ privacy.blade.php
├─ terms.blade.php
├─ refund.blade.php
└─ shipping.blade.php
It's just an idea of how to make your views, not a recommendation. If your front-end is in react, vue or svelte you will not necessarily have the same architecture. So keep in mind that it's just to display your content.

Example of a view

<x-slot name="title">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold uppercase text-dark tracking-wider font-heading sm:text-3xl">
{{ __('Privacy Policy') }}
<span class="text-sm leading-5 text-gray-500">{{ __('Last update: :date', ['date' => $legal->created_at->format('d, F Y')]) }}</span>
{!! $legal->content !!}
<x-slot name="title">
<h2 class="text-2xl font-bold uppercase text-dark tracking-wider font-heading sm:text-3xl">
{{ __('Privacy Policy') }}
<span class="text-sm leading-5 text-gray-500">{{ __('Last update: :date', ['date' => $legal->created_at->format('d, F Y')]) }}</span>
{!! $legal->content !!}
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