
Coming Soon...


The model used is Shopper\Models\Review.

Name Type Required Notes
id autoinc auto
approved boolean no Default false
is_recommended boolean no Default false
title string no The title of the review.
content longText author_type no The content of the review.
rating string yes The rating of the review
reviewrateable morphs yes relation generate reviewrateable_id and reviewrateable_type columns
author morphs yes relation generate author_id and author_type columns


By default, review Livewire components are not published. To customize components, you must publish them.

php artisan shopper:component:publish review
php artisan shopper:component:publish review

This command will publish all Livewire components used for review management (from pages to form components). Once you've published the component, you can find it in the review.php locate in the config/shopper/components folder.

use Shopper\Livewire;
return [
'pages' => [
'review-index' => Livewire\Pages\Reviews\Index::class,
'components' => [
'' => Livewire\SlideOvers\ReviewDetail::class,
use Shopper\Livewire;
return [
'pages' => [
'review-index' => Livewire\Pages\Reviews\Index::class,
'components' => [
'' => Livewire\SlideOvers\ReviewDetail::class,
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